Saturday, June 24, 2017

Literacy ... operating instructions

"The reason literacy is important is that 
literature is the operating instructions.
The best manual we have."
Ursula Le Guin

Without working knowledge of our language, we are destined to fail.  If we cannot read danger, detour or stop signs, indeed we will meet with fateful experiences.  If we cannot read the words to guide us, feed us, or keep us safe, we are destined for harm.

If we cannot write our name or recognize our place of origin, we will be challenged to find the safety of home.  If we cannot exchange words we reduce our ability to exchange information.  We will perhaps get by, but not flourish as the human was intended.

As human beings, it is impossible to experience all adventures to develop worldly knowledge.  We can, however, read the words of others to be enlightened.  Literature broadens our human experience guiding us towards the selection of the life we are meant to be living.

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