Thursday, June 29, 2017

Pull of the Moon

"Only the moon's smile
can cure the unseen
scars of darkness."
Munia Khan

Born on the last day of June, my astrological sign is the Moon Child (Cancer).   Over the years, these eyes of mine may have turned from blue to gray, but the moon has recognized me anyway.  Accepting which ever stage the moon travels across the sky, I feel connected as though it were my anchor. 

Aware of  the pull of the moon, I, too, have felt currents shift.  As I have fallen into deep crevices of darkness, the moon returns beckoning me to join in its passage across the sky.  Stars as well as meteors have caught my eye, but it is the moon that stirs my emotions.

I watch as the moon passes through all of the lunar phases and my body, mind, and spirit travel in awe.  My very existence is somehow related to the face of the moon.  It offers mystery, passion, and grave curiosity.   I am one with the moon, I am a Moon Child.

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