Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Silent Crusader

"Boundaries are, in simple terms,
the recognition of personal space."
Asa Don Brown

Compassion is not supposed to have boundaries, I have been told. But what if extending compassion is misleading a person to bounce back violating my own boundaries?  What if expressing my genuine concern is continuously misunderstood as deeper intentions?

It has taken me a life time to give my self the right to have personal space.  It has taken years to understand that drawing boundaries is not being mean nor hurtful to someone standing on the outside.  It is conflicting for me when I want to nurture, yet not necessarily invite someone into my space.

Creative resolution serves me best.  In order to both respect my self and offer comfort, I find sending love, light, and energy is the very best action.  Through contemplation or meditation, I can send positive thoughts and compassion to a person without needing acknowledgment.  I can be a silent crusader for all peoples, known or unknown, by building my light to be sent far across boundaries. 

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