Monday, June 26, 2017

Simple Reminder

"I believe in the magic and authority of words." 
Rene Char

The richness of color, the placement of dark and light, and the object of emotion pours from the artist's canvas into the heart.  Rhapsodies in grand opera houses fill the air as patrons feel the music resonate through the soul.  The graceful dancer seemingly floats across the stage, while the audience is lifted in awe.

The word, whether written or verbalized, can take us on adventure to other countries, lead us to magical lands of fantasy, and open the way to the darkness hiding behind a sunbeam.  Words challenge our belief systems and offer new perspectives.

Words can be changed, highlighted or deleted.  They can repulse or stimulate.  Just as there is a massive spectrum of color, scores of music, and various forms of dance, words are found in numerous languages, codes and font.   Three words neatly written on a paper heart can be neatly tucked into one's tiny pocket as a simple reminder ,"I love you."

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