Monday, June 5, 2017

Link Together

"The task of self-care is one that we have to carry out
by our own selves, yet our well-being is linked to the
well-being of fellow human beings."
Omid Safi

The journey inward leads us to the core of our being.  We discover what our strengths or weaknesses consist of and what gifts resonate with our individual skills.  With this awareness, we can tend to our heart's desire and successfully offer the world the best of our selves.

It is vital for us to self-nurture, but helping others to nurture themselves also benefits us.  When we work together, supporting and encouraging, the world receives our best efforts.  Together,  joined efforts impact the energy of all things.

Even in isolation, we are capable of sending radiant thoughts to others.  Post a collage of different parts or people of the world.  Every day send positive energy into this board and the intention will help make the world whole safely link together.

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