Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Cocoon of Light

"Remember that emotions are contagious and there are situations 
that are meant to cause you fear and alarm.    When you are in a
place  of fear  or feeling powerless,   you are easily manipulated 
by those who have an agenda or limitation and control."
"THE TEAM" by Peggy Black

Vibrations interact and attract the energy of others.  If our energy is strong and resilient, that is the exact kind of energy we will attract.  This exchange is uplifting, encouraging, and connecting.  If we are feeling emotions of sadness, loss, or depletion, we will attract more of the same.  We will feel worse than we began.

There are various tools of manipulation capable of tripping our triggers.  When we are blind sided or caught off guard we can easily fall to the control of someone else.   It is difficult to believe there are those who cautiously await the opportunity to pounce upon a target of fear.  They drain every drop of energy and leave nothing but a sense of powerlessness.

Before we leave our place of safety, we can cover our lovely self with light.  We can wrap ourselves in a cocoon forming a large aura or we can pull down light from the heavens through the top of our heads down our spine to our toes.  There are numerous ways to protect ourselves, but it is difficult to remember to do so, especially if we are not feeling powerful or connected.

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