Sunday, June 25, 2017

Stand Differently, Yet Together

"In a forest of a hundred thousand trees,
no two leaves are alike.  And no two 
journeys along the same path are alike."
Paulo Coelho

When we open our hearts and share our fears with trusted friends, we can gain wisdom to propel us down our path.  When we share experiences, not copy, we can gain a broader perspective about approach.  There is no benefit from duplicating the progress of others, but we can gain important information from their process.

As a child, I was told no two snowflakes were alike, implying if God took great care with the small form of snow, imagine how much care God had given to me.  Never feeling special or worthy of God's attention, my path followed Jesus the Christ with whom I could relate. He chose to be in nature and blended his teachings with nature.

Perhaps this is the basis for my adoration of trees.  They are strong, enduring, and supportive, yet stand alone in the midst of others.  No two leaves are alike and yet they hang from the same branch. This example of nature, gives me hope for brothers and sisters with differing opinions.  May we all find the ability to stand differently, and yet together.

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