Sunday, June 11, 2017

Walking In Woods

"To dwellers in a wood,
almost every species of tree
has its voice as well as
its feature.  
Thomas Hardy

Rebecca lives in an ivy clad bungalow willed to her by her grandmother.  Half of the garage has been refurbished and now provides an artist studio.  The ten wooded acres behind her home offer her a pond with an overnight shed, thick trees, and various animals which she feeds.  

Rebecca is drenched in folk lore, Native American Heritage, and stories of appearing Goddesses.  She is one of the most gentle and creative souls walking barefoot across our land.  With her flowing robes, white hair, and delicate voice, she has a magical presence.

Rebecca participates in art shows, offers private art sessions, teaches art at the local grade school, and gathers drum makers, flutists, and storytellers into her home regularly.  She walks in the midst of the woods and addresses the trees who respond individually as though they were personal friends.  They fill her with inspiration, energy, and a sense of belonging.  She shares that she will haunt  these woods forever, never leaving her friends.

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