Friday, June 9, 2017

Broaden the Ability

"Creative energy is sacred and divine. 
Those who are exploring their creativity 
in the world are ultimately exploring their 
relationship with all that is sacred." 
Gia Combs-Ramirez

As a natural born artist, a human seeks ways to express his or her gift.  The gift can be used to enhance life or devastate it.  The talent may remain hidden during an entire life span or it can be over exposed.  The endowment may be funneled through any field ... mathematics, science, art, etc ...

The gift existing inside of each of us becomes enhanced as we use it.  With imagination, we can travel on uncharted courses, broadening the ability to formulate.  We can event or perform our individual mark upon the world. 

Although tempted to minimize our creative spirit, it is our roadway to Divine Spirit.   We become boundless fired by compassion, leading towards heavenly realms. It is imperative to explore the capacity to create.  Acknowledge the nudge within and begin.

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