Saturday, June 10, 2017

In Spite of Me

"I write only for my shadow 
projected by the lamp onto the wall. 
I need to introduce myself to it."  
Sadeq Hedayat

The majority of my writing comes from my shadow self, the part I tend to hide from others.  It is the deeper part of me exploring various realms of possibility.  For inspiration, I wander in nature walking trails or go within,  connecting with all that is sacred.

My topic is never apparent to me, as it seems to create itself from the flow of words fleeing my heart and escaping through the pen.  The writing is not so much about what I think as much as it is about how I experience the whispers, shadows, symbols or energy swirling around me.

In the silence, away from the human voice, I am guided to trust what arrives upon the page and to let go of whom the reader might be.  I sense my words will be used by the voice of Spirit to reach the hearts of others in spite of me.

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