Sunday, May 16, 2021

Remove Restrictions

"By removing restrictions, even for a day,  we allow
ourselves to make new choices about what we want
to include into our life experiences."
Daily Om

Repeated behavior leads us to be contained in our thoughts and deeds.  We react on automatic pilot, rather than viewing a crisp action, feeling a new sensation, or expanding a belief system.  If life seems dull or boring, it is time to adjust our lenses and shift our focus.

It may be time to replace old activities with attention to brightening our home, lifting our thoughts, or seeing new aspects of friendship.  When we take people, places. and things for granted, we are in a sheltered position, missing the new life in others.

As we expand our awareness, we may discover a class at the community college on photography or music that awakens a desire within us.  At a gathering, there may be an individual that has continuously peaked our curiosity, but we have never met, until now.  Recall a trail or greenway that looks so inviting, but we limit our selves to circling our neighborhood.  Start something new and follow through!

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