Friday, May 7, 2021

Exposing the Self


"Every person we meet can effect us profoundly, just as
every situation we find ourselves in can teach us something new."
Daily Om

It is not an uncommon story for an average person to accidentally form a relationship with someone for a length of time prior to realizing his or her impact upon our society or world.  Artists, scientists, and musicians frequently go unrecognized, as they too want to be accepted just as a human being.

There is great joy for a musician to sit anonymously in a train station or a busy street corner to publicly share his or her passion.  There is joy in releasing specific love out into unknown.  An author, unrecognized, finds great freedom in sharing thoughts without worry of quotations or sentence alignment.  

Inspiration comes from the heart and we share our authentic self with others, a gift is exchanged.  Without 'sir' names or identification, one can truly be honest and impact the life of one other, never knowing the gift until moments, minutes or years later.

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