Thursday, May 20, 2021

Waiting Room


"When something upsetting happens, do I stay present and aware or
do I retreat into a mental waiting room until things calm down?

Waiting might be for the other shoe to drop or for the baby to be born or a decision to be made.  It seems to mean sitting still and feels somewhat powerless. Retreating tends to imply pulling back, relocating, or removing oneself.  It is the act of movement, not waiting.

As in many words, the action can be negative or positive.  Waiting for a severe pain to go away, might not be as positive as waiting for the cars to pass.  Retreating to a rejuvenating setting is far better than escaping from a situation.

The idea of a waiting room offers compromise.  To simply sit with a situation, pondering the pros and cons, may be the wisest choice we make.  Rather than avoidance or hiding, we can take pause to evaluate before reentering the questionable situation.  It is a chance to direct our energy towards a positive solution. 

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