Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Treasure Map

"A sister is a gift of the heart, a friend to the spirit,
a golden thread to the meaning of life."
Isadora James

Today, our society is extremely mobile with families strung out across the many states.  Family reunions and sibling relations have stretched to the limit by the changes in family structure.  As we see our relations less, we may find neighbors or new friends who shape into what we experience as family.

Today is my sister's birthday and I will always wish both her and her family well.  Most generally, we have lived our lives in differing states, but still experience a bond that stretches over time and place.  I regret that our families have not physically seen each other in years, but our hearts are still in place.

My gypsy blood has left its trace across a map that not one person would follow.  It stretches at times to great heights and unfortunately falls face first into unwelcoming depths.  In stead of cities highlighting my map, there are marks from where I encountered 'sisters' who loved me unconditionally, saved me from my lovely self, and assisted my forward movement through song, dance, and vision.  We are all related, and for that I am deeply grateful.


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