Saturday, May 22, 2021

Inside Support


"I accept both the masculine and
feminine energies within me; I feel whole."
Shakti Gawain

Shirley MacLaine somehow swooped into my life with her outspoken views and authentic non-fiction books.  I remember in my ignorance thinking I could only have such freedom of speech if I lived in California!  I've come a long way baby!

The concept of having both male and female qualities were very significant in broadening aspects of myself.  I had always felt the need to be strong (masculine) hiding emotional sensations (feminine).  With new information, I was able to let my boundaries alternate between the two powers.  The revelation increased my identity with self.

Today I was reading how our masculine should "support" our feminine side.  From early on, I  had thought, literally, men would support women. Now, I understand that all the support I need comes from inside, from my masculine side, not from a man. This creates the wholeness with both masculine and feminine stepping up when support is needed.

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