Monday, May 3, 2021

Cultivation of the Heart

"We must have patience and love for the 
unfolding creative process."
Shakti Gawain

In a quiet time, a small kernel of inspiration takes root.  We keep it hidden as we puzzle with our ability to follow through and while the idea begins to sprout, we need to be aware to water, cover, and protect this innocent bud.

It is in our best interest to keep our idea sheltered, not exposed to other's perceptions.  Let our vision   take root, sprout, and gently open to the outside world.  We must have patience as we hone our skill, and practice to do justice to our intended purpose.

If Spirit, indeed, leads us to our creative nature, who are we to judge it?   Who are we to ignore or kill what springs forth into our being? There is no such thing as perfection, and we must refrain from cluttering our minds with criticism, preventing any cultivation of the heart.


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