Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Unleashing the Agony

"There is no agony like bearing an untold story inside of you."
Zora Neale Hurston
We all carry stories inside of ourselves.  Some have been shared while others have been hidden.  Our untold stories can cause us emotional and physical pain. There can be great reward in writing our personal experiences, even if we burn them immediately afterwards.
There may be fear in telling our story and the revealing may be bittersweet.  The truth is painful, but once our story is released, the pain of repression can be healed and released.  It is when we let go that our difficult memories can be released.  Do not be afraid to cry, as tears can be part of the cleansing.
If we are repressing a traumatic incident, we can support ourselves by setting aside a special time to nurture ourselves during the process of letting go.  We can gather favorite items of comfort or even a trusted friend to witness our release.  We could light candles or buy a special pen and paper for the telling.  We can write our story out and save it for future additions or we can destroy the document forever letting go. 
Especially creative people can use metaphors or create fantasy about their subject matter.  Some are very good at poetry or writing lyrics to a song.  There is not a right or wrong way to do this.  The importance is following through with unleashing the agony we have held within for way too long.

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