Sunday, May 25, 2014

Shine Like The Sun

"Be Grateful For Your Life, every detail of it..
and your face will come to shine like a sun.. 
and everyone who sees it.. 
will be made glad and peaceful.." 

The grocery store is a perfect place to spread joy.  It is easy to greet regular employees found in the dairy aisle, deli, meat counter, or produce.  An on going conversation can be stretched from week to week. Seniors always seem to stand just a little more erect once complimented on a specific item they wear or a simple remark about the weather.  Little tykes can easily be praised and the parent releases some of the built up stress.  

Dropping little nuggets of joy around a store is much like a gardener planting seeds.  Humor and pleasant greetings help to lift any heavy feelings floating in the air.  Compliments are like the sun nurturing a seed. There is no way of knowing how a simple gesture of kindness can impact a person.  The positive energy once received can help one bloom or flourish, passing the goodness on throughout the day.  To share emotion is similar to cleansing rain:, renewing and stimulating growth.

The amazing thing is when an individual makes it a habit to be generously kind to others, they are also raising their level of happiness.  Positive or validating words to others, also increases our own personal level of attitude and gratitude.  When we allow our face to shine like the sun,  we create a thriving garden around us.

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