Monday, May 26, 2014

To Hear One Speak

"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly;
what is essential is invisible to the eye."
When we are facing a challenge, we often wear a mask hiding our fear.  So as the role of a good friend, one must be a good listener.  Any chosen confidant knows the one speaking is not really in search for answers.  The one sharing simply wants to express himself, to allow his/her words to be displayed out in the open, and to hear one's self speaking the truth or not. 
The art of listening focuses on the tone of the words, the animation of the face, and what is not being directly said.  This of course calls to us to use our hearts.  We can then feed back what we have observed validating the emotions being presented before us. 
Most of us fear not having an appropriate answer, and yet if we but listen with compassion, that provides the needed answer.  As we hear the facts of the dilemma, we can sort through them and with our heart imagine what this all might feel like.  What actions needing to be taken are derived from how we perceive the experience through our emotions. 
The next time we find ourselves in a position of listening, observe what emotions are being stirred.  What is the person not saying, but written all over their face?  When the words are being spoken, what wave of emotion are they riding? 
In life, we are not called to be the keeper of answers to all challenges in life.  We are called, however, to be present in the lives of others.  As we witness the unfolding of life, we are enlightened through the understanding of heart felt compassion.

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