Thursday, May 29, 2014

A Woman's Worth and Weight


"I'd gotten caught up in our cultural belief
that our worth as women is closely tied
to our weight."
Christiane Northrup, M.D.
Throughout my life, I have been mentally fat.  I learned body shame at an early age. Layers of misconception have been applied to my personal faulty image.  Our cultural obsession with being thin instigated a split between a healthy relationship with my body and my self worth.  My unacceptable heavy body was dead baggage I would resentfully drag around for decades.
Marianne Williamson authored a book entitled, "A COURSE IN WEIGHT LOSS" and it is not focused on a diet.  It successfully addresses all of the issues underneath body shame and weight gain.  If you have never experienced this material and have a tainted body image, give this book a try.

"BEAUTIFUL YOU"a daily guide to Radical Self-Acceptance is authored by Rosie Molinary.  Every day there is a segment contributing to an action plan to empower the self.  It helps to create a healthy self  image, built up self-confidence and reframe the negative mind chatter. The reader becomes aware of self-defeating behaviors and begins to focus on personal strengths.  It truly is an upbeat companion offering positive suggestions for daily living.
There is one more book I wan to bring into this realm of self-image.  "THE TAPPING SOLUTION"
For Weight Loss & Body Confidence by Jessica Ortner.  The foreword is written by Christiane Northrup, M.D.   It teaches the reader an easy tapping technique to lower stress, to weigh less, and to love more.  It requires 15 minutes per day of tapping while reframing self-criticism.  It is a proven technique and hot off the press!
Body confidence is a very private matter.  An issue we do not feel comfortable talking about with anyone, except once in a while during a moment of weakness.  By using any of the three books mentioned above, a woman can find a new path to appreciating her entire package.  It truly isn't just the 'diet', it is the stories we are telling ourselves, our reactions to triggers, and the unbearable stress which drives us to blame our bodies.
Help is just a book away.  It is time to shed the heavy baggage and create a shining self-image.  These are wonderful resources and will assist the reader into a new perception and happier life.

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