Thursday, May 22, 2014

Opening A New Cover

"It is okay to doubt
what you have been taught
to believe."
Mentors Channel
A friend of mine has been on a spiritual path for quite some time (haven't we all whether recognized or not) and she asked to borrow some books to explore different perspectives.  I pulled a few books off of my shelves hoping to provide her with a wide range of beliefs.
A while later, my dear friend  approached me, rather seriously, saying she really was having trouble getting through one of the books.  She disagreed with the author's viewpoints and questioned the credibility.  I assured her that it was perfectly permissible to disregard any information not resonating with what one believes.  I encouraged her to move on to another.
This has been a gentle reminder about my reading habits.  I like to stretch and grow my spiritual beliefs.  I often read something I don't necessarily believe as it reinforces what I do believe.  I don't want to live in a shell clinging to a few beliefs without challenge.  If I find material to be too extreme, I immediately discard it.  There are too many books out there to be wasting my time on one's I don't like. 
So there is a difference between expanding what one believes through reading  and exposing the mind to offensive writings.  It is important, however, to push boundaries a little for the sake of learning.  If I find myself stuck in a book not 'speaking' to me, I will move forward a chapter to see if there is still something waiting for me to explore.  The next chapter may not trigger my resistance and I might be more open minded.
The practice of reading for exploration is a good one.  By opening a new cover, one may find new knowledge to nurture the soul.  Visiting different perspectives does not require the reader to give up values.   I personally feel any belief system can withstand questions or doubts.  If we are so rigid in protecting our beliefs, never opening to discussion, then we will never know the strength of what we hold dear.  

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