Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Perspective on Death

"When someone special chooses between two great and wondrous paths, like studying the arts versus sciences, living in Florida or California, or dating Sky instead of Skylar, is there sudden devastation, heartbreak and tears for the road not taken?  Or is there celebration, jubilation, and excitement for the infinite possibilities that lie ahead?

Yeah, and so it should be when someone special chooses to pass beyond the veils of time and space, as all must one day choose to do.

The Universe

It seems there are so many people 'passing' these days.  People who are lovely, gifted, and enormously wise or who are young, vibrant, and glorious contributors to the lives of many.  Death doesn't make sense to those of us who are left behind.  

If I am to believe in God my definitions are widely expandable, never confined to a singular person or thing. As I believe I am a spirit experiencing a human physical form, my home definitely would be where I originally came from, and that is where I would want to return.   

Why would I not want to leave the confines of this life when called, knowing there is never ending wisdom beyond the veil?  I cannot help but feel joyful for those who cross over where they can continue to help us from the other side.  Yes, I am deeply saddened when a loved one slips away.  I mourn.  I grieve.  I struggle with my loss, but I am still deeply curious as to the experiences now unfolding and  evolving, for my dear.  We will certainly have in depth conversation when we are finally together again.

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