Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Suffering in Silence

"There are wounds that never show on the body
that are deeper and more hurtful
than anything that bleeds."
Laurell K. Hamilton

Domestic violence can be detected by simply examining the physical body for broken bones, fractures or bruises.  Emotional abuse is a complex experience that can remain hidden, never to be exposed as there are no physical signs.

Careless words can break a person's heart.  Demeaning remarks can stunt ability to thrive.  Even cold silence impacts emotional development.  There is no emergency room where emotional trauma can be cleansed, medicated, and wrapped in gauze.

Teasing and sarcasm can be painful like arrows shot to the heart.  Bringing up past hurtful experiences does not have a positive intention and breaks the momentum of healing.  Endeavor to use supportive and uplifting conversations to assist those suffering in silence to survive holiday cheer.

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