Sunday, December 4, 2016

Securing Room for Love

Virginia, here's a snippet of advice that comes from an as yet undiscovered
manuscript buried deep in some Pyrenees mountain cave ...

"Choose feelings over logic, adventure over perfection, here over there, now
 over then, and always love, love, love."

The Universe
Notes from the Universe, Mike Dooley

My life is filtered through emotions, not rigidly shaped with facts.  I am open to diverse information, but I deeply trust the reactions of my heart.  Insight guides me as soul directs me through life's challenges.

I allow my eyes to gradually adjust to darkness as it falls upon me, and my light continues to shine until I can discern the meaning of the forth coming  adventure.  Perfection is a bottomless flight of fancy or distraction from the true sense of reality.

Right now, in this isolated moment,  there is no room for judgment, sorrow or pain.  I choose to live in the present, seeing through beginner eyes, seeking the goodness before me.  Gone is the sorrow of the lost past and I avoid the sense of overwhelm by not wandering too deeply into the future. There is only room for love.


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