Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Mired in Emotional Muck

"There is no beauty in sadness.
No honor in suffering.
No growth in fear.
No relief in hate.
It's just a waste of perfectly good happiness." 
Katherine Stoykova Klemperer

Life  brings us through sadness and suffering and allows the experience of fear and hate; but it does not intend for us to linger very long in any particular arena.  It is when we become stuck in a particular emotion that we unnecessarily elongate our feelings.

Each experience can increase our depth of understanding, but we lose our way when we get mired in emotional muck.  Our focus shifts and we often miss the mark.  Happiness is the intention, the reward awaiting our arrival.

Any sense of punishment is distorted.  The teaching within each of life's lessons is what is meant to fill our hearts.  We are meant for loving, not shame.  We cannot prevent our automatic emotional feelings, but we can choose how long we entertain them.

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