Friday, December 23, 2016

Break in Routine

"Awaken from your numb state and reclaim
your position as a decisive individual who is driven
by curiosity and revelations rather than by mere habit."
Daily Om

Routine helps us to manage our lives in an efficient way.  It brings comfort to know what we will be doing throughout our day and defends us from unexpected upheavals.  The outline we follow generates a sense of security, but it can also cause us to become stagnant.

When the unexpected invites us to make new decisions, we begin to feel more alive.  Our confidence can grow and anticipation can heighten our imaginations.  To step out of routine causes us to take a more active role and not just be on automatic pilot.

When we allow ourselves to experience a novelty, we awaken our creative spirit and alert all of our senses to partake in the newness at hand.  As an active participant, we feel more powerful and in control.  As we breathe in new life, we awaken sleeping dreams and rebirth stunted expectations.  Our spirits begin to soar as we imagine once again living life to the fullest. 

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