Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Sexual Ecstasy

"She wanted something else, something different,
something more.  Passion and romance, perhaps, or
maybe quiet conversations in candlelit rooms, or
perhaps something as simple as not being second."
Nicholas Sparks, The Notebook

The gift of passion courses through my heart and uncontrollably flows throughout my body.  I have known passion for my children, in my career, and writing, but not so much as sexual ecstasy.

There are books prompting women to never trust a man, as they are often carried astray by the lure of sexual passion.  Other writings claim passion is a romantic term never fully released in the human experience, and if so, only a 'flash in the pan'.  My life experiences unfortunately created a skeptic housed deep within me.

Perhaps sexual passion is experienced by many, but sexual ecstasy arrives on the throes of love.  It is through the intimacy of a love connection one is truly seen.   When one fully trusts through love,  they embrace wild urges, guttural sounds, and the lightning bolts of miraculous freedom.

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