Monday, December 19, 2016

Soaring with Freedom

"This is simply my religion.  No need for temples. No need for complicated philosophy.  
Your own mind, your own heart is the temple.  Your philosophy is simple kindness."
Dalai Lama XIV

The vast amount of money spent on churches, temples, sports arenas and government buildings is appalling.  Human ego rises to materialism in any sanction of life.  Our culture promotes the bigger the better, disconnecting from the jewels of Mother Nature strewn across the ground.

To live simply with deep appreciation for life itself, heals the wounded soul.  Our connection to all that is holy is broken by the obsession with things.  To reclaim our essence, we shed material layers until we can find comfort in standing in our own skin.

Naked, nothing is hidden.  Ears can be used for truly listening and the eyes capture the animation upon appearing faces.  When the hands are empty, they reach out to embrace and the vibrations of the hearts unite.  We all become one, soaring with freedom.

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