Friday, December 2, 2016

Magic Bubbles

"If you see something beautiful 
in someone,
speak it.
Ruthie Lindey

We dip our mind into our heart to form a bit of lighthearted praise just as one dips a wand into a jar of bubbles.  We extract a mixture of heartening merriment and with our breath extend the compliment to touch the soul of the other.  

There is magic in the simple act of blowing bubbles and there is magic in the simple act of truly 'seeing' someone.  We notice unique gestures or emotional elements heightened in a personality, so why not take it a step farther and express what we have seen!

We are hesitant to offer a personal compliment, and yet, when we watch the recipient light up from the smallest praise,  we wish we had said something sooner.   When we place our thoughts into kind words, they are set free like a bubble floating in the air.   

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