Friday, December 30, 2016

Becoming Undone

"When you think your life is falling apart,
it's usually falling together in disguise."
Charlotte Eriksson

Aversion to challenge limits our growth and impeccable plans do not guarantee safety.  Even when we are in total alignment with body, mind, and soul, we can stumble and fall.  Our undoing may come as one swift blow or misfortune can chisel off one hunk at a time. 

The obvious is human beings are faced with difficult aspects in life as part of a process to fine tune  life purpose.  Life purpose frequently is not recognized until we have traveled the rocky road towards self discovery.  

When we can present in an authentic manner, we have resurrected ourselves from the debris of numerous disasters.  We have allowed hard times to strip us of what we no longer need to proceed in a particular direction.  The wounds on our bodies and the scars on our hearts are medals of the living.

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