Saturday, December 10, 2016

Dodge the Connection

"Don't let your inner dialogue
get the best of you."
Panache Desai

Touch is vitally important for thriving.  All of us need a warm embrace, a tender hand and a gentle kiss upon the cheek.  Often we are surrounded by love, but our inner critic does not allow us to physically engage.   

A compliment is extended and our inner critic immediately dismisses it, but a minuscule negative remark will linger in brilliant and bold colors.  We tell ourselves we are undeserving or not good enough.  We physically and mentally dodge the emotional connection.

If we look into our immediate environment and do not see loving kindness on the faces of those whom surround us, we definitely need to seek a new community of friends.  It is necessary to invest ourselves in conversations with kindred spirits, allowing a relationship to prosper. Acquaintances can turn into deep relationships if one ventures out of their comfort zone by turning down the volume of the voice of fear within. 

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