Sunday, September 28, 2014

Return to the Arena

"Nonresistance, non judgment, and non attachment
are the three aspects of true freedom and enlightened living."

Eckhart Tolle

Recently, I attended the wedding of my youngest son.  I was so excited for him, but also overwhelmed by the prospect of seeing many people who have been absent from my life for over 20 years.  Mind chatter was on over load with thoughts of who would or wouldn't talk to me; how I have aged; and how would I re-enter an arena I had once chosen to leave.  

A month before the event, I began to send positive energy forward, visualizing myself comfortable, having fun, and being at ease.  I requested sisters of my heart to send prayers for me to be able to present well for my son,  his gathered guests, and my self as well.  Remaining positive, I knew, was the key.

I was determined to remain totally my self.  I avoided the temptation to go back to who I used to be or to see others in judgment based on my own fears.  I let go of all attachments and no longer resisted the opportunity to greet people from the past.

Instead of focusing in on old drama, I used a panoramic lens to view others in their own uneasiness.  I moved forward with warm greetings and inquired about their life without any personal attachment.  I even enjoyed hearing their stories.  

This was such a good opportunity for me to practice what I deeply believe.   Once I turned off my inner critic, I could focus on enjoying the moment ... no resistance, no judgment, and no attachment.  I am free, so very free to be me!

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