Wednesday, September 3, 2014

In The Center

"The cycles of my life expose me to the conditions
I need to experience
to enable me to reach my fullest potential.
I focus inward.
From my center I can direct the motion of my life.

Alexandra Collins Dickerman

When I worked downtown, I had access to an underground car  garage.  I habitually parked on the lowest level, avoided the elevator, and climbed the stairs.  With each stair, I silently offered individual prayers for my children, my friends, co-workers, and those unknown to me who suffered.  I would always reach the top before I had completed my prayers.  

One of the joys in my life is sending random blessings to unsuspecting people.  Who am I to be offering blessings?  I am a empowered child of the Universe, that is who.  Experience has taught me we are not all made for bold public actions.  We are not all financially lucrative to be able to move mountains.  But we are all fully capable of sending well wishes to all who pass by.

When I am in touch with my beautiful inner strength, I can extend my loving energy to others.  It is like beaming an imaginary flashlight into the hearts and minds of others.  "Have a  wonderful insight this  day.  Experience love from someone.  Be safe on the streets.  Fill your heart with beauty.  Be kind to others."  There are endless phrases that can be whispered from the heart, to be sent on the waves of energy with love.  

As I extend my quiet side out into the world, I feel as though I am living to my fullest.  I am purposeful and touching the lives of others. One can become almost giddy when extending a touch of thoughtfulness.  The reward is often times found in the changing face of the other.  From loneliness to recognition, the face lifts with significant light.  Sometimes the prize is no one else knowing the goodness being given.  A secret santa, a living angel, a guardian of extra emotions, I assure everyone I am not alone.  There are so many like me, silently moving forward with a plethora of goodness in the center of their being, waiting to be shared with others.

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