Sunday, September 7, 2014

Holding Space For Wisdom

"I am different, not less."
Temple Grandin

As a new mother, it was infinitely easy to love my new born.  When I was pregnant with my second child, I wondered how I could divide my love to accommodate both my first born and this new little being.  Experiencing motherhood with four children, I quickly learned how the abundance of love magically expands, never taking away one from the other.   My four children are definitely different from each other, but this does not make any one lesser than the others. 

The goal is to teach individuals to focus on personal strengths rather than trying to duplicate the gifts of others.  Energy invested in who we are not meant to be, is wasted.  If we pay attention, we discover what we are good at, then nurture it so it will grow, and use it with passion to create our authentic experience of life.

If we allow ourselves and our children to unfold in an original way, we develop an appreciation for differences rather than be threatened by not being the same.  Instead of seeking outside of our selves, we look inside to discover who we are and who we are meant to be.

Paying attention to our dreams allows a stream of guidance to appear.  Exploring our inner landscapes through contemplation puts us in touch with our inner desires.  Then we can carry a clear sense of 'self' by speaking our truth, our opinions or our values while still holding space for the wisdom of others.

Although we are all different, it does not mean we have to be separate.  We can gather together in spite of our differences with respect and honor.  When we learn to validate ourselves without distracting from others, we will allow our life and our communities to unfold in a higher vibration of creativity.

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