Thursday, September 4, 2014

Beads on a String

"I just string words together,"
we writers say.
We finger words like beads,
choosing one over the other."

Julia Cameron

If I could choose only one book for the rest of my life, it would probably be an empty thick journal or a thesaurus.   I love words, not slang nor coined phrases; but, words that have survived centuries.   

I was an avid spelling bee contestant and thrived on diagramming sentences.  I was amazed how a few certain words could be joined together one way, but take on a totally different meaning when strewn together in a different way.  I easily recall the intrigue of reading an advanced library book, searching for an unknown word.  Discovering words unknown to me was an all afternoon adventure.  

There came a time when fictional words no longer filled the void ever increasing within me.  I began to expand into non-fictional books wondering where they might lead me.  Not having the gift of elders in my life, non-fictional writers became my wisdom keepers.  

Rather than romance, my mind became filled with biographies of the insights of the sightless, the voices of the speechless, and the risks of the paralyzed.  These personal stories were composed of  bravery and courage.  There was radiance to be found in the midst of the darkest shadows.  

Words are for everyone, young and old alike.  We are all storytellers and when we use our words creatively, we can easily enchant others.  When set to music, words create a rhythm for foot tapping or lullaby.    The words we choose reflect our character, integrity, and personality.  Let them be as beautiful and diverse as beads on a string. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh, yes, how I love words, too! What a beautiful image ~ beads on a string... Thanks!
