Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Whiff of Turpentine


"There is no gate,
no lock,
no bolt
that you can set upon
 the freedom of my mind."
Virginia Woolf

My memory is very extensive and precise, unless I am looking for my glasses or keys.  I sometimes amaze myself at what I can recall and also become aware of the feelings attached.  In addition to memory, my mind is highly visual, capable of creating endless scenarios.  My mental pictures filed away are always crisp with color and easily turn into motion pictures upon will. 

My brain impacts my reading abilities by combining memory with visions.  As I read, words take on a life of their own allowing my mind to slip between the lines for a deeper sense of discovery.  Books become friends imparting the nature of people. Authors and their words create a classroom for the reader to delve beyond the page to learn first hand of every thing imagined or real.

Our perspective on life is seasoned with  the salt and pepper of our past experiences.  Our personal tastes adjust our palates for acceptable blends.  We choose resources and associates who support our view, strengthening our own reality.  We avoid discord by building emotional walls and discounting others through judgement or disdain.  This all of course disrupts the natural flow, dams the waters, and causes the sun to sink behind the clouds.

Together with brain, memory, and visions, we receive imprints from nature, Divine Spirit, and dreams.  We acquire certain 'knowings' along the way that are completely untraceable.  These knowings may come from a painter's brush or the melody in a song.  Sometimes just a whiff of turpentine or the faint sound of wind chimes stir the mind into collating random things we are not certain as to how we knew.   Our mind does not seem to explore the roots of such knowings, as it is captured by the resonance vibrating in one's own heart.

Who is to claim the origin of our knowings and desires of the heart?  Who really knows where the passion is first stirred?  When we are in hot oil of long past memories, who among the wounded can predict when the kernel of truth will finally pop?  When we breathe our last breath, will it be the bright light and tunnel that we see?

We are called to be satisfied  through understanding what we cannot hear or see.  We are encouraged to seek using affirmations and positivity.  The mind is endless when it comes to possibility.  Let your brain be free, creating opportunity where others never look nor see. 


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