Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Dominate My Life?

"I don't like to make such a big deal out of writing.
I like writing to be more portable and flexible.
I like writing to be something that fits into cracks and crannies.
I don't like it to dominate my life."

Julia Cameron

In writers group, we shared our 'ritual' we have established with writing.  Each of us has a certain routine or a format proceeding our daily writing.  There are special journals, different colored pens, a candle to be lit, a prayer said or an inspiration to be read.  These all might be wonderful intentions, but I know that each of one of us have numerous times of spontaneity and irritating disruptions causing us to shift our writing habits.

Speaking for my lovely self, I will confess to having all kinds of journals.  Journals from over a decade ago, dream journals, daily journals, journals for favorite quotes, and journals for creative writing.  I have different colored pens, but generally favor an inexpensive gel pen or else a pencil with a really good eraser.  Some times I ramble on page after page or sketch or jot down random thoughts.  Thoughts throughout the day are frequently connected to what I might write in a post on my blog. 

In the spring, summer, and fall, I am called to be outside to write.  I love the closeness to nature in the sanctuary of our back yard.  In the winter time I find the fireplace to be my choice, glaring into the flames, mesmerized and being lost in time.

When I leave home, I nearly always have a small journal tucked inside my purse with a back up journal in my car.  When I was writing a book, I always carried note cards in a small photo case to jot down random thoughts.  Upon returning home, I would file the note cards in my old wooden recipe box for future reference. 

If one were to ask me on any given day, if writing dominated my life, I would first laugh in response.  Then I would have to be truthful and say, "No, writing does not dominate my life, it is my life!

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