Saturday, August 24, 2013

The Best Partner



"When we can learn to meet our needs without relying on someone else to complete us, we don't have to form relationships from the space of needing our emptiness to be filled."

Madisyn Taylor

When we are not in relationship, there is time to enhance the relationship with our selves.  We can grow our selves, relax into  healing, and explore our creative instincts. Make a list of all the things you love to do, and then do them.  One does not require a mate to live life to the fullest. 
Decades ago, a relationship had ended and I truly missed being surprised with flowers.  I loved flowers and enjoyed having them in my home.  The absence of flowers began to make me feel sad.  I finally decided the importance was having flowers and not who purchased them.  My attitude quickly shifted by buying flowers for myself.  Every week I would purchase flowers to bring home and they brought life back into my home.  In a way, I was honoring myself.
I missed going to the show.  Several good ones went unseen, as I found it difficult to go alone.  One afternoon, on impulse, I walked into a movie.  Hardly any one was attending, and I instructed myself to open my heart to receive the message of this film.  I asked Divine Spirit to enable me to become totally absorbed, forgetting about my present life.  The movie was THE GREEN MILE and it was one of the best movie experiences I have ever had.
I found myself cringing every time I was asked, "Table for one?"  I felt myself shrink and desire to be invisible; however, a good meal needs to be had.  With practice, I learned to respond differently when asked about a table.  I would wear a huge smile and excitedly say, "Yes!"  My body language and attitude reflected how proud I was to be alone and mastering the situation.  I soon learned to get out of my head and be present for the entire dining experience.  I would choose to go early as to not appear to be some sort of yearning pickup, but I would take time getting ready.  Other times I would go for a late lunch with a book or journal as my companion.  It was a matter of respecting myself.  Being comfortable in any situation.
As the sun falls, and darkness grows, bed time is not far behind.  Sleeping alone can sometimes be the most challenging.  The trick is to change routines.  Buy new sheets or a few new pillow cases.  Put flowers by your bed.  Take a leisurely bath with bubbles or a shower to wash off the day.  Towel dry the body with a new soft towel.  Find something comfy to sleep in.  Light a tea light and crawl into bed with the nightstand filled with magazines or books.  Keep a gratitude journal and every night before bed, write down everything to be grateful for ... even if it is just gratitude for the day to be over.
I realize life alone can become overwhelming.  One can look around a room and see two chairs, two goldfish, two birds, two candlesticks, etc ... Once we realize we can alter our perspective and attitude we can begin to overhaul our creative outlets.  If we seek places of personal interest, what better than to meet someone at a museum or art gallery or community festival?  The likelihood of meeting someone with common interest is higher at a point of interest than a bar.
For those of us who are in relationship, we sometimes find a particular need not being met.  One person or partner cannot meet all of our needs.  So even if in relationship, do not neglect to nurture the relationship with self.  If there is an interest our partner does not share, go immerse the lovely self by attending alone or with a friend. 
We can honor our self by being the best partner we have ever had!

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