Monday, August 12, 2013

Ego, the Culprit

"The conditioned self is a tangle of contradictory patterns.
Each pattern is intent on fulfilling its own needs and goals.
In many wisdom traditions, this contradictory condition is called the
inner war."
Wisdom Heart
A person can develop spiritually through different ways.   There are so many methods to choose from:  yoga, meditation, centering prayer, grounding, artistic expression or solitude.  The list is endless, but if we do not still the brainless chatter within us, we will not be as far as we could be ideally.  Some people are not even aware of the tape that repeats criticism, causing doubt with our choices and decisions. 
It goes something like this: "I think I will go for a walk; go this evening when it is cooler.   Maybe I'll do yoga; but I tend to hurt myself when I am unsupervised.  Maybe I will call my friend for coffee; she is probably really busy.  Think I will take a nap; maybe I better put a load of laundry in!"   My inner-critic can talk me out of anything before I even begin. 
Self-sabotage, inner critic, inner war or conflicting patterns, all contribute to our steady path forward.  The first step is to just be aware of what is happening.  The second step is to silence the critic.  The third step is to re-frame intention.
It is similar to having a spoiled brat inside constantly monitoring actions and thoughts.  The ego of course is the culprit.  It is constantly trying to get its own way by distracting us and breaking efforts towards positive behaviors. 
Once we establish awareness of our ego's intention to control, we can silence it or call a truce.  Eventually, we may do well in silencing the ego during spiritual practices, but this still leaves plenty of time for ego's chatter.  Be persistent as once we gain control, we experience a better sense of self. 

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