Saturday, August 10, 2013

Cultivating Strengths

"I have come to believe that each of us has a personal calling
that's as unique as a fingerprint -
and that the best way to succeed is to discover what you love
and then find a way to offer it to others in the form of service,
working hard, and also allowing the energy of the universe to lead you."

Oprah Winfrey

We may find it difficult to identify our unique gifts and talents, as most of us take our blessings for granted.  We may compliment someone on his or her obvious strength, and he or she replies, "Oh, anyone can do that!"  We assume that everyone or anyone can do what we are good at.  We tend to take our gift for granted or minimize it.  It is unfortunate that in our earlier years, we are not groomed highlighting our particular strengths rather than repressing what may come naturally. 

Even if we have a small awareness of doing something fairly well, we find it awkward to receive acknowledgement.  We might say "thank you" and then hurriedly move the conversation in another direction, away from ourselves.  This reflects that we are not truly comfortable in our own skin.  Many people deflect from their true gifts, wearing a mask that seemingly attracts what is more acceptable.  We spend many years overlaying our talents with something socially more acceptable even though we have been created to be unique.

When I was in college, I knew a shy guy who also seemed to be on the edge of a gathering.  He was pretty much a loner, but very approachable and likable.  One night he sat down at a piano and brought absolute silence to the room.  He was incredibly good and had been playing since a small child.  On a different occasion, I was walking across campus and found him keeping in step with me.  I asked him if he were a Music Major and he laughed and said his parents wouldn't allow it.  They had told him he would never make any money playing the piano and needed to provide a better living for himself.  He said he had not given up, and still hoped to find a way to blend his life with music in addition to career.  A few years later, a cartoon hit television and remains on television to this day.  The well known theme song was written by this same young man.  I doubted he was having any money issues! 

I do beleive that we all need to awaken and honor our gifts and talents, finding a way to use them not only for service to others, but also to honor ourselves.  When we do what we love, there is no such thing as work.  If we cultivate our strength, I do beleive the Divine provides a way to be the best we can be.

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