Friday, August 9, 2013

Freedom of a Child

"Watercolor is a swim
in the metaphysics
of life . . . "


Reading and writing go hand in hand, an inspiration to each other, just as painting and poetry.  One artistic form can heighten another.  Every time a creative outlet is introduced to an artist, it heightens all aspects of authentic response.  Once inspired by any means of artistic expression, a person can transfer these senses or feelings into another form of art.

I have taken several classes in painting over the years.  Although I have framed a handful of oil paintings, my favorite means has always been watercolor.  Watercolor  is so forgiving.  It does not demand as much time for completion, and once dry, I am drawn to use calligraphy as an addition,  just to mix medias.

The other day at writers group, my desire to paint with watercolor resurfaced when a member of the group happened to mention she had just purchased some.  I went straight to Hobby Lobby and felt like a kid in a toy store.  So many choices, why couldn't they just have one!

As soon as I returned home, I went exploring in the basement and much to my surprise found all of my old paint supplies.  I was so excited, as I felt I was entering a reunion with old friends. Now the fun could begin.  I left my inner critic in the basement, and my inner child raced to a table upstairs where I could begin my play time.  There is so much pleasure in releasing the creative spirit for just fun. 

Too many quit before they begin.  They tell themselves they are not an artist and don't know how to paint.  Actually, every one of us surely did some painting in kindergarten.  We had freedom in just experiencing it without fear of not doing it 'right'. 

Even if we just dabble in some form of creative expression, it enhances our perceptions and depths of living.  We can give ourselves permission to just experiment and play.  Next time at the grocery store, grab a pack of crayons and a coloring book if nudged to do so.  Keep them where they are visible.  they might come in handy while preparing dinner or waiting for a favorite tv show to come on.  Truly, once one begins, we get lost and called to move forward as though we had the freedom of a child.

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