Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Grounded in Delightful Way

"Look at the tree in the front yard.  The tree doesn't
seem to be doing anything.  It stands there, vigorous, fresh,
and beautiful, and everyone profits from it.  That's the miracle
of being.  If a tree were less than a tree, all of us would
be in trouble.  But if a tree is just a real tree, then there's
hope and joy.  That's why if you can be yourself,
this is already action."
Thich Nhat Hanh

There is much to be learned from trees, and not just one tree, but any of the varieties.  Trees can be found in the forest, or shading the White House, or as an ornamental design for a private pool.  Some are fruit bearing while others flower or not.  It does not matter how many exact trees are lined in a row, one can find a difference in each and every one. 

An exercise in school when I was a child, called for us to be like a tree.  I can remember flailing my arms around like branches in a storm.  I can recall holding my arms up very still so a bird would not fall.  The class was instructed  to be quiet tree while a stranger leaned against our bark and then  to embrace snowflakes as they gently fell to the ground.

It comes as no surprise, then, my life long infatuation with trees.  Like a palm tree, if I do not have strong roots, I am likely to fall over when faced with strong winds.  A Weeping Willow has such grace, but having too much emotion, life can become messy.  Young trees use their energy for growth and deep roots, and then later to form buds.  How grand they must feel when the leaves begin to sprout or the flowers innocently unveil themselves.  Does a tree experience sadness when the last leaf falls or the petals turn brown?  A tree must have faith that another season will come along.  The same faith must support the spirit of a tree when a branch is broken or when a neighboring tree is struck by lightening. 

My over-personification with trees might not be appreciated by others, but I cannot think of healthier role models.  They reflect the on going challenges of life and the consequences of what is called progress when a city expands.  They lovingly support the creatures in nature and display unbelievable determination in the midst of storms.  Trees seemed to be settled into themselves, content with individual beauty  and are a constant. 

Trees show me the best way to pass through this life.  The deeper I sink my roots into Mother Earth the stronger I will be.  To extend my arms up to Divine Spirit connects me.  When my roots sink deeply and my arms stretch strongly, energy surges up and energy streams down.  I find myself to be grounded in the most delightful way!

1 comment:

  1. Love this! Trees are such amazing beings and these connections are beautiful. I found a Mary Oliver poem about trees that so reminded me of you! I'm sending it via email. Try to imagine my voice reciting it to you, my friend!!
