Thursday, August 29, 2013

Lulled by Water

"The emotional states are liberated inside water,
we calm down emotionally,
we become more sensitive,
we are able to 'touch' deeper ourselves and other beings.
Empathy is echoing back to us
giving subtle vibrations from the realm of the senses.
Find your water ..."
Grigoris Deoudis

Water takes on the shape of its container.  It can be a liquid raindrop or frozen hail.  It can be a fine mist or a roaring ocean.  It is a very strong force in nature, nurturing or devastating.  It is no surprise to learn that water is the symbol or element for emotion.  Our emotions can be as gentle or as harsh as water and our bodies contain an extremely high percentage of water.

As a small child, I learned how to swim and ice skate on Lake Michigan.  I spent yearly vacations in Wisconsin surrounded by lakes, rivers, and streams.  My love for being in the water made me a natural for competitive swimming, followed by life guard training.  In high school, every summer I would go on a supervised canoe trip, portaging into Canada. There were many winters when I would find myself at the "rocks" bordering the lake in the city where the waves would lull me into a sense of safety.  My college of choice conveniently over looked the Mississippi River where I would be able to explore my passion and challenge.

As years passed, I still found myself living near swimming pools or vacationing near water ways.  I no longer have a passion for swimming, but the need to be near water is just as strong.
After stressful days, I self-nurture with baths containing at least bubbles and maybe some flower petals or essential oil, while music gently plays in the background.  Even a small fountain bubbling water on a desktop brings a smile to my face.

I have visited Maui twice each for a month long stay.  The condo was right on the ocean front with a sandy beach just steps away.  The  lanai allowed me to write watching the whales surface a short distance away.  I could hear little children squeal as a wave unexpectedly washed their feet along the beach.  In the neighboring building, I watched sun bathers spread out in lounge chairs around their pool.  The vacation cruise boats could be seen in the far distance as I watched the sun rise and the sun set.  At night, the sliding door would be left open as to not miss even one small wave rolling in to the shore.  Being surrounded by water daily, I felt suspended in time, like I was living in some different realm where stories consistently unfolded.  It took on the feel of a spiritual quest.  Meditation, writing, reading, and just 'being' were all deeply enhanced throughout the stay.

In real day to day life, I resort to taking a shower to wash away the hardships of the day.  Standing under the spout, I imagine being in a waterfall.  This is what I do, how I address my self-nurturing, to feel connected, and lulled. 

What is it that you do ... to self care and nurture?

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