Sunday, August 11, 2013

Out There

"This belief that somewhere 'out there' is the land of joy, dogs our footsteps wherever we go.  As long as we look upon happiness as something outside us, we shall never be able to find it.  Wherever we go, it will still be beyond our reach because 'out there' can never be 'in here'."

 Eknath Easwaran

When we are unaware of our Divine connection or have not yet discovered our gifts and talents, it is more difficult to sense the vast knowledge we hold within.  When we remain wounded and unhealed from life's many lessons, the last place a person looks for guidance is inside of self.

We may spend years attempting to fill our self with happiness, only to witness it fade away or simply change.  Children grow up and move away, neighborhoods change, careers get canceled or disrupted, or we cease to have the buying power we once had. 

The intent is not to paint a dark image, but rather to stress how frequently we will attempt  to tap resources when we run out of 'things'.  Not only is our wisdom within our seemingly last choice, it is often chosen out of pure desperation. 

We feel the stirring of self-love once we start removing the debris.  Little by little our light begins to heal our pain and we notice a small change.  Using energy work, meditation, massage, therapy or journaling can assist us in bringing our troubles to the surface.  Professional services or a trusted friend can help untangle the past.  We can compare this to cleaning out a basement.  As we toss unused items, old memories might pop up, but we move them along.  When the clutter has been removed, we marvel at the room inside.  We can walk around without bumping into things and there is enough space to create something different.

When we have resolved old personal issues, there is new space for light.  We feel stronger and our light grows us into places where we feel the void slowly filling up with personal and Divine goodness.  We no longer attempt to buy our happiness with material things or relationships.  We are content to be where ever we are, contained by Spirit, and happy to be connected to all things through Divine guidance.

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