Friday, August 30, 2013

If Not For Our Selves ...


"If you do not express your own original ideas,
If you do not listen to your own being,
You will have betrayed yourself."
Alexandra Stoddard
This is the time for us to use our voice.   We have listened to the philosophers, mentors, and leaders.  Now we can build on previous insights, creating our very own perceptions.  We are each born with a unique message.  If we don't believe we are worthy of sharing our knowledge, the impact of our message will not fall upon the world. 
It is not as though we each have a historical comment to make to the international news.  Our words, however, are important to one person or many, waiting for direction.  Certainly we can each think back into past years, recalling the impact of some one else's comment.  The words may have been random, the speaker may not even remember having said them, but the words impacted behaviors or emotions.  Divine Spirit frequently uses us as an instrument to transfer messages unknowingly to others.
A dear sister of my heart was talking with her grandson.  She found herself to a be flabbergasted when this child made reference to dreams she had years ago.  When he first mentioned the subject, she was puzzled until he reminded her of her earlier reported dreams.  The grandson, now 13 years old, reminded my friend of her action in the dreams even though he had only been a toddler when the dream content had been shared.  My lovely friend's words may have been lost to her, but they were of significant importance to the child.
Listening is an important tool, helping us to determine whether we agree or disagree with other opinions.  Reading is another way to build a foundation for our belief system.  Speculation, visualization and meditation help us to explore both our inner and outer worlds.  In time, significant information reflecting our essence takes form.  This form is what can be radiated out into the world. 
Authentic voices will draw kindred spirits together.  Divine Spirit will make certain our voices will be heard, in the manner in which they are needed, in spite of being in our own way.  We need to honor our self by speaking up, if not for our selves, then for others.

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