Thursday, August 1, 2013

Wandering to Nashville and Dallas ...

"There comes a time
when the mind takes a higher plane of knowledge,
but can never prove
how it got there."

Albert Einstein 

Indeed, it is a test to visit family and observe the temptation to regress to our  status within this original unit.  It matters not how old we are or how long we have been away, the situation is always ripe for falling into old patterns. 

Spending a few days with my lovely daughter in Nashville, TN, is always a restorative experience.  She willingly reminds me of my good qualities and encourages new thought and pending possibilities. 

From Tennessee we ventured to my second son's home in Dallas, Texas.  My grandchildren had grown further into their own identities and my daughter-in-law took a break from studying for her  medical board exams.  My son, graying at the temples, still handsome and professionally driven, is always a challenge to embrace.  I love him dearly, but it takes effort for me to maintain my comfort zone when he listens to my current achievements and hopeful prospects. 

Being away from my home, I adapt to different routines and schedules, realizing how important structure is in my personal life.  It does not take much to fall off kilter once my surroundings begin to shift and change.  On the outside I am still the 'mom', but on the inside, my focus has wandered far away.  I am no longer the same inside which impacts how I view the outside.  My perspectives and observations are no longer at their original depths, but far greater than one can see. 

Listening to my children reminisce always brings pleasure to me.  These two have been gifts to each other which warms a mother's heart.  To them my quiet ways might reflect my aging, but my mind is just as active only not on material things.  My view is from an unseen ledge, spiritual of nature.  I discern my children's gifts and their impact upon this human world.  I am impressed with their own accomplishments towards themselves as well as extended to others.   I cannot help but ponder at what age they will deepen their awareness of the spiritual implications surrounding their thoughts, actions, and kind words. 

Returning from Texas to Tennessee, I am blessed with a few more days of sharing.  There is time for Hannah the wonder golden girl and Trudy the Tuxedo cat.  I have been able to establish a new relationship with my daughter's new friend ... the dog whisperer!  He is a remarkable addition to her world and I remain grateful and thankful for who he is and who he will yet to be. 

Driving home, in spite of construction, I am eager to return to Russ and our home.  I am ready for the simple routine of writing, walking, and reading.  I am anxious to return to the support of my Soul Sisters and the infamous writers group, The Book Whores.  I miss my daughter already, but my mind is gently guided back to the higher spiritual ledge.

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