Saturday, August 3, 2013

Friendship, The Spice of Life


 Variety's the very spice of life,
That gives it all its flavor.

William Cowper

Each of us have been born with a particular strength.  Our bodies are like a vessel containing this strength.  When we join others, each contributing a unique strength, like spices, we create a unique blend of flavors.  While cooking, it is not unusal to hear a chef remark, "It is missing something!"  The chef will then add an additional ingredient.

So it is with our circle of friends, sisters, and other loved ones.  When we are gathered in a group of close friends, we enjoy the mixture of personalities, the unique gift each person brings to the gathering.  If one person is absent, we may notice the absence of her particular gift. 

The same holds true when we feel we are lacking something in particular.  If I feel somewhat down, I may choose to contact the friend who always makes me laugh.  If I am struggling with a particular issue, I will choose the person who has also experienced this issue.  So each spice or gift offers us an individual taste, and when blended together we create the perfect recipe. 

I keep small jars, bottles or containers on hand to use as vases for my garden flowers.  I thoroughly enjoy gifting them to someone just for no reason.  I don't have to worry about the return of the vase.  I also use these items to be vessels for individual spices.  I might decorate the jar making it a 'worry jar' for a friend to deposit their worries inside.  I might make a jar with lavendar fragrant cotton balls  for a friend to open and 'sniff' when needing calming before an interview or resolving a conflict or before bedtime.  These small containers can be decorated and filled with courage, patience, creativity, nurturing, bravery, ... The list is endless.  If really creative, a person could make up their own blend to offer.  It's the thought that counts! 

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