Friday, August 23, 2013

Castle In Our Mind

"Rocks in my path?
I keep them all.
With them I shall build my castle."
Nemo Nox
We all have rocks on our paths.  Some may be small pebbles while others may be large boulders.  Pebbles may not attract our attention, but there are some rocks we find compelled to carry in our pockets for awhile.  These rocks may end up in our garden or on our desk.  Boulders, however, require a great deal of attention.  We may take time assessing this roadblock, deciding to go around it, climb over it, or determine it is a dead end. Barriers can either be an ending or a new beginning.
Pebbles, rocks, and boulders are all symbols for the challenges we encounter during our life times.  How we arrange these stones determines our foundation.  If we carelessly toss them upon a pile, discarding them, they will form a large barrier to be faced later.  If we give each consideration, and place them carefully, we can build a strong foundation.
There are some who create a barricade using their rocks and boulders (symbols of challenge), while others may be prompted to build a lovely terrace.  A waterfall for example, is supported by carefully positioned rocks that support and deflect, allowing water (symbol of emotion) to release and flow. 
We can sit with a problem or rock for a long time seeking solution or we can throw it at some one as a defense although not a good one.  With our challenges, we can build isolating walls or healing bridges, as the choice is ours.  If our problems are piling up and we cannot visualize an architect's sketch it is wise to seek the help of a professional to develop a structure with a safety plan.
We all have rocks in our heads, so to speak and what we do with them is of great importance.  As we sort through these rocks or problems, we find our selves to be a creator taking short cuts or allowing time for healing details.  We will reside within the structure we build, and based upon our efforts we will either battle the winds of time or creatively play in the castle of our mind.

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