Monday, April 8, 2013

Touching Each Other

Let us remember that our lives
set an example for others.
No one can say his life doesn't matter,
her words don't matter.

 Eknath Easwaran
Thoughts for the Day
Words to Live By

We all have experienced an exchange with someone who claims, "I will never forget what you said to me," or "I will never forget what you did that one time!"  We frantically search for the time being referenced and nothing comes up.  We smile our humble smile, perhaps nod our head, but for the life of us, we cannot even begin to imagine what this person is talking about. 

It doesn't matter when we extend:
There are times when Divine Spirit speaks through us without our awareness.  A person may desperately need encouragement or validation and even though we personally are not tuned into this particular need, we are vessels of good will.  We may extend a small gesture to someone and never remember it, but to that person it may be life changing.  I we are listening, we will be prompted by Divine Spirit, nudged in a random direction for a reason we may never know.

It matters when we receive:
There are times when we may feel overwhelmed or isolated and miraculously we have an exchange with a total stranger that brings us back to balance.  Once I attended a gathering when I was not in a very good emotional place.  I entered the room and faced complete strangers who all seemed to know each other.  I felt great anxiety with the impulsive idea of making a quick exit when someone said to me, "Come.  Sit here by me.  There is an extra seat."  I was so thankful and yet this person did not seem to have any awareness of how this kindness enabled me to find comfort then and the courage to return again, and again.  In the following months, I saw this person numerous times, and even though we never connected again, I will always remember the kind gesture.  The extended gesture helped me not only in the moment, but in future awkward moments as well.  It has also helped me to be mindful towards others, passing the gesture on.

If we are our very best even when we think we are invisible to others, Divine Spirit may be using us to reflect something to another.  Just our present energy, if powerfully bright and joyful, can allow someone else to tap in and feel recharged.   Visualize that toddler in the grocery store who brightens up our day with a toothless grin.  He or she may never remember us, but we might carry their image within us, brightening our perspective all day long.  We never really know when we are touching each other inside of the invisible grid of life binding us together.


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