Saturday, April 20, 2013

Deleted Files

The truth is a force of such magnitude that it demands to be known one way or another.
If buried, the truth will push its way to the surface.  Denial or suppression of the truth will manifest as ill health, dysfunctional relationships or financial problems.  The truth does not remain silenced or suppressed comfortably.  It may take a lifetime, but the truth will win out.

Deborah King

Our minds are like master computers.  They record information regarding people, places, and things.  Our personal computer is our Secret Keeper recording and repressing.  We have special files we store information in, the inbox for current thoughts, and the delete button to get rid of what is no longer useful.  As in all computers, however, deleted files can be reclaimed if we know what we are doing or secure a person who knows how to guide us through the process.

We take our unpleasant experiences and store them in a file.  Each time we open the file, we can review and heal just a little bit more to the point of eventually eliminating the file all together.  It no longer serves any purpose and is just taking up valuable space. 

Repressing information is much different.  When we repress something, it means not looking at it, not coming to understand the relevance and not healing.  We do not comprehend the importance of this information and it impede our mental health. 

When we hide something from our present state of mind, it gets dumped into the physical body.  We will carry it in the form of a headache or stomachache, even to the point of a more serious physical illness.  We are so uncomfortable with the information it creates a "dis-ease".

Continued repression of issues we have not dealt with, impacts our mind, then our body, and then our spirit.  The flow of our natural spirit is impaired and we become depressed.  In this depression we may continue to remain in denial about whatever is buried deep within us.

Repressed memories will not surface until we are ready to deal with them.  Sometimes they float to the surface, but we may not be ready so once again we push them down, even unknowingly.  We may realize something is nagging at us but we can't quite put our finger on it.  There seems to be something just under the surface and we cannot identify it.

Repressed incidents can be released through a random fragrance, touch, physical location,  passing remark or a dream.  In fact, when something originally happens and we repress it, it may resurface in a dream.  If we ignore the dream, it may resurface again in a form of a nightmare.  If we continue to ignore these incidents, the ignored issue will be repressed from the mental into the physical.

So the button on the keyboard, "escape" is really too convenient for us to use.  We think by just clearing the document we will be fine and this is not true.  The longer our deleted information is repressed, and the virus is ignored, the damage grows greater. 

The broken spirit eventually wears out or we can say our computer crashes.  Reclaiming our lost or deleted document requires outside help ... a technician of sorts.  We can reach out to a trusted friend, minister, life coach or minister.  Admittedly, this can be a long process requiring patience, diligence, and forgiveness.   With the elimination of so many old files, one may want to downsize to an iPad or just an iPhone requiring future years of learning all of the new aps! In the end, however, we will feel liberated with the sense of advanced programing. 

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